Bobcat Bulletin v. 20

January 12, 2024


We had so many smiles and happy kids return from Sugarbush on Tuesday afternoon.  Thank you for helping secure warm gear so this experience could remain positive.  We had first timers riding the magic carpet, we had some first time chairlift riders and we had experienced shredders that tore down the slopes.  Sugarbush offers us experiences for students at each learning level so that everyone can have fun.


Our next day at the mountain is scheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd.  We are asking that all gear (skis/snowboards, boots, poles, helmets, goggles, etc.) be labeled with the student's name prior to 1/23.  Due to multiple schools being dismissed from the mountain at the same time, labeling is the best way to ensure that gear makes it where it needs to go.  Thank you for your efforts with this.




While our first through sixth grade students were skiing and riding at Sugarbush, our Kindergarten students engaged in an afternoon of cross country skiing here at school.  Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Gillen and Mrs. Auger took the kindergarten students out and their smiles say it all- such fun! 


Please note that this weekend is a long weekend with no school on Monday or Tuesday, January 15th and 16th.  Monday will be an observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Tuesday is an inservice for our teaching staff.  We look forward to welcoming our students back on Wednesday, January 17th.


A lunch menu change has been made and Ms. Jeannie will now be serving Stromboli with Ceasar Salad on Wednesday, January 18th.  


We look forward to welcoming our students back on Wednesday, January 17th.


Ms. Kate 


From Nurse Phil's Office

I want to remind everybody that it is the cold and flu season and that we are all making sure we are taking all the precautions we can to keep ourselves, our families and everyone around us safe and healthy. I am including Everyday Prevention Steps from the Vermont department of health, as well as the Centers for Disease Control. Prevention is key to helping keep the spread of diseases. The general message from myself and the health department is that if you’re sick, stay home. If you have any questions about anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you,

Phil Stolz


Everyday Prevention Steps

We all have a role to play in preventing the spread of germs by practicing these everyday prevention measures:

1. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to kill germs.

2. Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or tissue.

3. Avoid contact with others if you or they are sick.

4. Consider wearing a mask


PTO Update

  • The next PTO Meeting will be on Wednesday, January 17th at 7:00pm. We welcome all parents to join the conversation, or to just listen in. No long-term commitment is required, so if you're just curious about what the PTO is up to, please join us. The Google Meet link for the meeting is: HERE
  • PTO Flood Relief Fundraiser. We're currently raising funds to help cover the costs of the student trips and activities that were organized after the flooding of the school. We're about 62% to goal, which is amazing! Click here to help out this effort! Donations of all amounts are welcome and appreciated. Thank you!


Community Offerings


From The Children's Room

We have a some really great special events coming up, including a free family/caregiver workshop series called the "Power of Play." I've attached a PDF and a link to the flyers below for whichever works best. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you!


TCR Winter Programs Flyer

"Power of Play" Family/Caregiver Workshop Series


Mad River Little League 

Calling all 4 to 12 year old little leaguers, and Babe Ruth players!

Mad River Valley Little League Registration is now open for the 2024 Season!!!

Little league gives each player the opportunity to play in a competitive and fun program with the
goal of making every player better and more improved through teamwork and great coaching.
Register today

Early bird pricing of $75 for t-ball players and $100 for farm league and up. Price will increase
after Jan 31st. Registration will close on Feb 11th. There is a multi player/sibling discount and
scholarships are available as well. When registering your athlete you’ll need to know their little league age so we can place them in the correct division. Please use this link to determine little league age:

The 2024 season will begin indoors starting in mid March for farm league and up. Tee-ball will
start outside in mid April. The regular season ends when the school year ends.

It takes a lot to make this little league run. Each family is required to volunteer 4 hours per
season. We have many opportunities to do so including field day, snack shack, coaching and
announcing etc. Also each player needs to sell a minimum of $50 in raffle tickets.

Back this year each team will host a raffle booth at either Mehurons or the farmers market.
If you feel you can not donate your time for 4 hours we have a volunteer buyout option of $100
you can choose when registering your child. If chosen you will receive an invoice from
[email protected]

Don’t wait, Sign up today!


Soccer Registration

In the spring, the Mad River Valley Soccer Association provides a competitive soccer experience for players from the Mad River Valley and Waterbury areas. The Spring Travel program participates in the Vermont Soccer League.  The first game is held on the first weekend in May, and the last game is typically in mid-June.  Teams practice at Mad River Park, with typically two practices per week.


Registration for spring travel soccer is now open through February 10th, 2024. There is no guarantee of a spot after registration closes.

Mad River Valley Soccer Association participates in the Vermont Soccer League through the Vermont Soccer Association (VSA). VSA is a US Youth Soccer organization. All USYS rules are followed: each player must provide proof of age (birth certificate or passport) and a picture. 

Teams are based on BIRTH YEAR, not school grade. For example, a 4th grader born in 2013 would play U12, while a 4th grader born in 2014 would play U10.

o    U10: 2014-2015

o    U12: 2012-2013

o    U14: 2010-2011

o    U16: 2008-2009


Coaches will create rosters if we have multiple teams in an age group.


We encourage multisport athletes to play spring soccer. We ask that all players make at least one practice per week and most games. While we try to hold practices on alternate days, we are limited by field space and field availability.


Scholarships are available.

Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.


TU Bishvat

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