Bobcat Bulletin v.38

May 31, 2024

Thank you to all of the Moretown voters who showed up on Thursday and cast their vote.  I am elated that our community has voted to support the school budget for next year and I know that there will be work done to help relieve some of the pressures for subsequent years.  Our students will still receive a robust education from highly qualified professionals here in Moretown.  


This week was loaded with fun!  Our kindergarten students received a visit from the Moretown Road Crew and some of the machines that take care of our roads as a part of their force and motion unit.  Many thanks to Martin Cameron and his crew for enhancing our students learning with real, hands on excitement! 




Luke Foley from Friends of the Mad River spent some time with our 3/4 ECO students at the Mad River.  Luke engaged our students on geology lessons and challenged our students to classify rocks found on the beach areas of the river.  




Our third and fourth graders also spent much of the day on Thursday at the Rock of Ages Museum and Quarry in Barre learning about granite and the fascinating industry right here in Central Vermont.  Students got to see the quarries in action, learn about the process and even take home some pieces of granite.  





Tuesday of this week was a warm day but a perfect day for our first and second graders to go for a hike.  Students were able to look down on the village from the hills above and see our school! 



As we start to wind down school with just a few weeks left, I want to make sure that all of our families are aware that our last day of school is set for Friday, June 14th.  We will be releasing our bus riders at 11:20 and our pick up students at 11:30.  


Next week we will be hosting the annual MES Field Day celebrations on Wednesday, June 5th.  We ask that students arrive with sunscreen and bug spray already applied and have a full water bottle.  Kae Zaino has been preparing fun outdoor events for students to participate in and we are looking forward to this day of fun.


Our fifth and sixth grade leadership team is trying to raise money for some recess equipment and are hosting a bake sale on Wednesday, June 5th.  Please consider sending in a dollar or two with your student to purchase a treat in support of their work.  This is an entirely student run event and initiative; so proud of our MES students :-) 


I hope that all of our students and families take advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and enjoy some time outside.  I look forward to welcoming all of our students back on Monday.


With gratitude and appreciation for all of our voters,

Ms. Kate 


A Note from Mrs. Willard - Librarian

Dear Families May 31 is the last day to check out library books. All books need to be returned by June 7th. Please check for any library books you may have hiding at home and return them they may have been marked as lost but I would still love to get them back.  Thank you!


PTO Update


We can't believe there are only two more weeks of the school year! It's amazing to see how much the kids have grown over the last several months. As we wind down the year, the PTO has just a few updates and announcements:

  • End of year appreciation lunch for teachers and staff (Friday, June 14): Every year, the PTO and the parent-family community put together an appreciation luncheon on the last day of school to recognize the hard work and tireless dedication of MES teachers and staff. Please consider contributing a lunch item - you can sign-up here
  • Sign-up as a volunteer for next year. There's always a need for volunteers, not just for PTO activities but for school activities as well. Some volunteer roles - like for winter sports or field trip chaperones - require a background check and fingerprinting, and those security requirements can take some time to process. Let us know sooner rather than later if you're interested in volunteering next school year. We can help get the process started early, so you've completed all the necessary steps by September. (Volunteers are welcome to begin the process at any time during the year. This will just give you a head start.) If you would like to be a volunteer, send us an email at [email protected]
  • The next PTO Meeting will be on Monday, June 17th at 6:00pm. This will be the final PTO meeting of the school year. It will be held in-person, and right now the location is TBD. But if you're interested in attending the next PTO meeting, please mark your calendars and send us an email at [email protected] to ensure you receive all the meeting details.
  • Summer PTO work - While we will be enjoying some time off this summer, the PTO will also be working on planning activities for the end of summer and fall seasons. If you'd like to join our email list, so you get the latest information, let us know at [email protected]. You can also follow us on social media on Facebook and Instagram.


Community Offerings

Join Brian Mohr (Ember Hill Farm) at Living Tree Alliance’s (LTA) community orchard to learn about planting and caring for fruit trees and berry bushes. Brian will model a few techniques, and then we will plant fruit trees and shrubs in the orchard.  LTA educator Melanie Grubman will also lead families in some activities, and kids will get a chance to explore the adventure playground and visit the animals. LTA’s own greens and eggs will be for sale, and each participant will receive a gift certificate for trees and shrubs at Ember Hill Farm.  All donations go towards LTA's school to farm field trips with HUUSD.
Register using this form 


Spring Hill School's "The Boogie" dancing & dinner event: Saturday, June 1st, 6:00-10:00 pm, Bliss Ridge Farm in Moretown. This event is a fundraiser for the Spring Hill School, a preschool in Waitsfield. They'll have two bands (Al's Pals and the Grift), Woodbelly pizza for purchase, cash bar and more. Tickets are $40 and on sale online. Adults only. Rain or shine!


Modern Times Puppet Theater’s “The Perils of Mr. Punch: Let’s Agree to Disagree”: Sunday, June 2nd 4:00pm, Lareau Farm Pavilion in Waitsfield, benefit for the Spring Hill School. This is an event for all!  Co-founders Rose Friedman and Justin Lander are a husband and wife duo, producers for Vermont Vaudeville and alumni of the Bread and Puppet Theater. As parents themselves, they strive to present quality entertainment that the whole family can enjoy. Following the show, flatbread, salads and drinks will be available for dinner for purchase in the pavilion. Bring a blanket or camp chairs to sit on during the show. Tickets are available here online here $5 for kids and $10 for adults. 



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