Bobcat Bulletin v. 39 1/2

June 12, 2024


Greetings MES Community.


There are a few pieces of information that we want to communicate to families prior to the last day of school.  Only 1.5 days left!  


Pick up Patrol

With the last day quickly approaching, there are often last minute changes to student dismissal plans.  Our office cannot accommodate changes to dismissal plans after 1:15pm or 9:15am on early dismissal days.  Thank you for helping up keep all students safe and accounted for.


Friday, June 14- Early Dismissal

Friday, June 14th is our last day of school for the 23-24 school year.  Our dismissal procedures will begin with bus riders being dismissed at 11:20 and pick up students dismissed at 11:30.  



A few weeks ago we welcomed maker artists Lucie deLaBruere and Christina Smith to MES and offered a nature-inspired artist-in-residency model to our students.  Some of our 5/6 students and Mrs. Willard worked to share their learning from that week.  Please take a minute to view their video compilation here:


From Madame

Lost and Found

There are still many items waiting to be claimed in our Lost and Found.  Please take a look at the pictures below and have your student claim their missing items.  Any items left after Friday will be donated. 





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