Bobcat Bulletin v.40

June 14, 2024


Well, another year has come and gone!  Thank you for sharing your children with us and being a partner in their learning.  This will be the last Bobcat Bulletin of the 23-24 school year but be watching for the return in August as we gear up for another great year of learning.  


This week offered so many moments of joy.  On Wednesday MES honored John Hoogenboom with a pink magnolia tree that was planted behind the town offices.  For 26 years John has served as the Tree Commissioner for the Town of Moretown and has gifted MES a tree each year for the past 26+ years.  This year, to honor him back, we chose his favorite tree- the pink magnolia -to be planted in his honor with a plaque.  We chose the location behind the Town Offices so that this young tree would stand a chance of survival with our impending paving project and so that onlookers can view its beautiful blossoms from the John Hoogenboom Meeting Room inside the Town Offices.  


Thursday evening we celebrated our departing 6th graders and wished them luck as they head to Harwood Union Middle School.  We are certain that they will do great things and make us proud.  


The end of the year is always a bit bittersweet for all.  While we excitedly enter summer vacation, we also leave behind our classrooms, our friends and our supportive adults.  This year we bid farewell to seven remarkable adults.


Toni Capel and Timi Agar shared the role of an on staf substitute.  These two ladies wore almost every hat this year from nurse, to preschool to sixth grade and they did it with ease, flexibility and enthusiasm.  Additionally, Toni served as a ski instructor during our Winter Sports Program and helped graduate beginning skiers to the chairlift!  While they will no longer be "on staff", we are happy that they plan to return to subbing again next year.


Madame Erika Lindberg has been a longtime employee at Moretown Elementary School and we are very sad to see her go.  Thankfully for our district, Erika will be teaching French at Harwood Union High School next year.  Erika, and our French program, will be deeply missed!  


Polly Moore has worn many hats at Moretown Elementary over the years.  She has been a sub, a para and stepped into our interventionist position this year.  We are incredibly sad to see Polly leave Moretown but are happy that she will still be serving students in the HUUSD as a kindergarten teacher at Waitsfield Elementary School.  They are so lucky to have her! 


Jeannie Randall has been our "lunch lady" for the past five years.  Our students decorated an apron for her with the saying "Thank you bunches for such good lunches."  Jeannie has always had a gentle way of encouraging kids (and adults) to try new fruits and vegetables and she always works to make sure that we take care of our environment through eliminating wasteful products.  We will miss you, Jeannie! 


Sara Baker is leaving Moretown.... again.  Sara retired from her long career in Moretown a few years ago and has been continuing to serve this community under a COVID provision that has now expired.  Her grace, commitment and support will be missed next year but we're certain that we will continue to see her in some capacity.


Becky Auger has been a para at Moretown Elementary School for a few decades and has helped countless students along the way.  She has been a staple in our fifth and sixth grade math classrooms and is proving to have hard shoes to fill.  Becky plans to retire and spend more time with family and in her gardens.  We wish Becky nothing but the best and, with a grandson still at MES, we are sure that we will still be seeing her.  


To all of our families and students, may you have a joy-filled summer.  We look forward to seeing many of you back in August!  


Ms. Kate





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