Bobcat Bulletin vol. 2


"I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school.  Firsts are bests because they are beginnings." -Jenny Han

2 more sleeps until school starts! 

I am in full back-to-school mode and cannot wait to welcome our students on Monday morning.  I recently asked our staff what they were most excited about when returning to school as a kid and many of them said "seeing friends."  Now as adults, we get most excited to see our students come through the doors and we delight in watching them reconnect with old friends.  


Our arrival process this year will look similar to years past, with a few variations.  All students will be entering the school through our main doors and will no longer utilize the owl doors.  If you are dropping a student off, we ask that you please pull as far forward as pissible so we don't back up traffic onto Route 100B.  If you would like to walk your student into school, we ask that you park in the parking lot and accompany them into the building.  Please do not park in the drop off loop if you plan to enter the building.  We welcome parents into our classrooms and hallways until 7:30 am, at which point we need to start our educational day.  Students can be dropped off as early as 7:20 and are considered tardy if they show up after 7:40.  


Thank you all for your patience and feedback as we worked to fix our Pick up Patrol system.  It is now up and running and ready for you to identify your student's dismissal plans.  We need this information updated in Pick up Patrol prior to Monday morning so we can ensure that each of our students find their correct after school destination.  Any school day that a student's after school plan changes, you will need to make the adjustment in Pick up Patrol prior to 1:15 pm.  Brenda cannot accomodate these requests over the phone.  


First Student has been working hard to establish accurate bus routes prior to Monday.  The latest update has some significant changes to Bus 11.  Please make sure that you look at the most up-to-date version (published today, 8/26) so you know when to expect your student at the end of the day.


I want to thank you all for your diligence in completing Powerschool resigtration.  While this was a complicated process for some, your persistence paid off.  Moretown has all but 9 students registered.  Well done! 


Again this year we ask that when your student is absent (planned or unplanned) that you submit the absence through our online form located on the homepage of our website.  Simply click the box labeled "report an absence" and follow the outlined steps. This is a different link than last year so please update any bookmarked pages.


We want to send a big shout out to the wonderful Moretown PTO for a great Ice Cream Social!  It was nice to see so many families on the rec field enjoying a beautiful summer evening with a sweet treat.  The PTO is still looking for volunteers to help out this year.  Please be on the lookout for more information about how to get involved. 

Pictured here L-R: Kathryn Little, secretary; Louisa Wilson, president; Jacob Meyer, treasurer.


I'll be planning my back-to-school outfit and packing my bag early so that I can ease back into my morning routine.  I encourage you all to plan ahead and practice your routines too... Monday will be here soon!  


Soak up the rest of this weekend and we will see you Monday morning.


Ms. Kate

Principal, Moretown Elementary School

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