First Day Success!



Wow, what a great first day of school!  Our students brightened up everyone's day when they walked through the doors this morning and you could feel the energy and excitement bubbling throughout the building all day long.  One of the highlights from my day was when a first grader quietly called me over to them in the lunchline and then proceeded to whisper in my ear, "first grade is so cool!"  

In order to continue to make our days together great, we are asking a few small things of our families:

  • We are requesting that all students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade be dropped off at the main doors in the morning.  While this can be hard for some, we also know that there are real longterm benefits to students independently entering their school. This routine will allow students and teachers to settle in and develop routines that will pave the way for successful days.


  • At dismissal, we are requesting that all parents stay in their vehicle when picking up.  If a parent chooses to leave their vehicle and pick up their child under the roof outside of our main doors, we ask that they park in the parking lot and walk over so that our carline doesn't back up and block traffic on Route 100B.  


  • Our dismissal routines are as follows:
  1. All preschool students will be dismissed at 2:18
  2. At 2:19 our 3-6 bus riders will be dismissed from their classrooms to load the bus
  3. At 2:22 all PK-2 bus riders will be dismissed from their classrooms to load the bus
  4. At 2:23 NOW students are dismissed
  5. At 2:23 parent pick up students are dismissed in the order of the carline
  6. Once the carline has been tended to, any families waiting under the roof will have additional students dismissed


We have so much to be thankful for here in Moretown, and that is largely due to our dedicated, caring and responsive family partners!  We are proud to report that Moretown has the hightest rate within the HUUSD of students registered through Powerschool.  In addition, very few families needed to be called this morning to identify a default plan in Pick up Patrol.  Thank you! 


The following message I am sending to you on behalf of our Administrative Assistant, Brenda Hartshorn:


Dear MES Bobcat Families,

A HUGE thank you to all of you amazing families for all that you have done to complete online Returning Reigstration and Pick up Patrol!  You ROCK, and I so appreciate each and every one of you!

Brenda, in the office 






Thank you for trusting us with your children and for letting us partake in their first day joy.  We look forward to welcoming them back again tomorrow.

Ms. Kate

Principal, Moretown Elementary School

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